Much of the gameplay in Shenmue 1+2 revolves around searching for people and items in order to unfurl the threads the games’ primary mystery. For the most part, this means walking around a bunch and interrogating anyone you meet along the way. If you want to speed that process up, you’ve come to the right place. 

The Phoenix Mirror is an item you’ll need to find in Shenmue to progress in the story. However, it’s not exactly a straightforward process if you don’t know where to go or what to look for. 

This guide will show you how to get the Phoenix Mirror in as few steps as possible. 

Where is the Phoenix Mirror?  

After meeting Master Chen at the docks, you’ll be tasked with finding the mirror. To do this, you’ll need to go home and turn over the house. 

Once you get home, the first thing you’re going to want to do is get the flashlight from the cabinet underneath the phone by the front door. It’s in the left-hand compartment. 

From there, you’ll need the mysterious key from your father’s room. Starting at the front door of the house (where the telephone is), turn left and go past the kitchen. Continue down the hall until you get to the end. Your father’s room is on the left. 

Look along the right-hand side of the room for a desk. Open the top right-hand drawer and open the box inside to find the mysterious key. This will come in handy in the dojo. 

Next, talk to Ine-san and then to Fuku-san. 

Once you’ve done that, go to the antique shop in Dobuita to acquire a sword guard. You can find the antique shop just after entering Dobuita on the main road. It’s just after the Water Dragon 2 jean shop on the right. 

After getting the sword guard, go to the Tomato convenience store. Go inside and buy a light bulb, which you can find on the shelves straight ahead of you when you enter. This will make your next steps much easier. 

Go back home and go to the dojo. As as you enter the dojo, look at the back wall directly in front of you, the one with the Shodo calligraphy prints hanging on it. Look to the right of the wall find a long wooden box on the floor. Use the mysterious key to open it. You’ll find a sword inside.  

Now, turn to the wall with the Shodo calligraphy prints. Remove the left print and insert the sword guard. After that, remove the right print and insert the sword you just got from the box. 

A secret door will open, revealing a basement in the dojo. Go through the door and climb down the ladder into the basement. Activate your flashlight when you get there and follow the passage around until you reach an open room. 

In the center of the room, there will be a light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Insert the light bulb and flip the light switch on the wall next to the entrance. 

Examine the room at your leisure, but ultimately focus on the table in the back left corner of the room. Examine the floor to reveal marks in the floor. Move the table to reveal a secret compartment in the wall. Use the axe to break open the compartment (the axe is leaning on a wall near the entrance to the room). 

Inside you’ll find the Phoenix Mirror. 

That’s all you need to know about finding the Phoenix Mirror. Be sure to check out our other Shenmue 1+2 guides for more tips and strategies for getting through each games more ambiguous sections. 

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