In the wake of working with a go between, the 22-year-old reality star was set up on a prearranged meeting with Thomas, a worker fireman who likewise has pituitary dwarfism.

“I’m somewhat apprehensive, and yet am really eager to meet somebody who’s gone through something basically the same as me,” Shauna said in the episode.

“I’m intrigued to see the similitudes and the distinctions.”

After gathering, Shauna’s initial feeling was how much taller 4’8″ Thomas is, despite the fact that they have a similar determination.

On their date, they visited his firehouse and afterward ate at a burger joint — with Shauna’s stepfather and sister sitting only one table over.

All through their discussion, Shauna and Thomas found a ton of different contrasts between themselves, for the most part with respect to their ways of life.

Shauna additionally imparted to Thomas that she’s “had children hit on me” since her 3’10” level, which came about because of pediatric mind disease that halted the improvement of her pituitary organ. With a giggle, Thomas didn’t concede anything of the sort has happened to him. As the date advanced, Shauna and Thomas found one big shared trait — they’re both hoping to move out and purchase homes eventually.

However they might have contrasts in dating encounters, level, and character qualities, Shauna told Individuals she truly partook in her experience with Thomas.

“Meeting the young fellow with pituitary dwarfism was an astonishing encounter.

We shared a great deal practically speaking due to our clinical narratives. And afterward our real public activities are entirely different,” she said.

Shauna trusted watchers see exactly the way that various they are — and the way in which one, shared determination doesn’t figure out who an individual becomes.

“I believe that is exceptionally moving for every one of us and any other person when they watch it since we came sort of from a comparative foundation, yet not simultaneously,” Shauna proceeded. “Also, we carry on with two unique lives because of two distinct methods of individuals responding to our incapacity.”

No matter what her heartfelt possibilities with Thomas, he enlivened her in additional ways than one. They dug into their encounters during a weighty discussion about the debasing terms they’ve been called, with Thomas telling her he engages himself by not permitting the expressions of others to characterize him.

She complimented Thomas, and the pieces of his life he shared on screen. “I believe it’s extremely valuable since he is a particularly moving man,” she said.

“He rouses me to accomplish something beneficial. He rouses individuals in his day to day existence to accomplish something beneficial.”

I’m Shauna Rae airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on attention.