Shape of the World is a very unique game that is currently in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and in need of a little more funding on its Kickstarter. As mentioned previously, the game is one of a kind. That’s fairly hard to imagine without seeing it in action, which is why you should check out the video below and see it for yourself.

Maxwell, the lead developer for the game, described it like this:

As you can see in the video, Shape of the World is a beautiful game that is reminiscent of The Unfinished Swan and Proteus, both fantastic games that pushed the boundaries/preconceptions of what games can be. And that’s exactly what Shape of the World aims to achieve. It’s a game that doesn’t just feature exploration, it lives by it.

Maxwell went on to explain how his childhood and personal influences largely influenced the game and its emphasis on exploration:

As impressive as the procedullary generated world is, the art style of the game is what immediately catches your eye; the wonderfully surreal color palate and constantly building world make Shape of the World feel like a sequence of dreams. Stu Maxwell commented on the importance of color in the game.

On an incredibly intriguing, and exciting, note, Shape of the World is also being designed for virtual reality as well as current consoles and PC. The game was only recently announced for PS4, an opportunity that Maxwell confirmed came at E3 this year. Having the game on all systems is great for everyone but it’s the decision to have the game in VR that is truly exciting.

Indeed the prospect of navigating a procedullary generated world with a very trippy art style is one that fits perfectly with VR. Traversing at your own pace and seeing the world grow before you is an experience that could be very relaxing and potentially better on VR than regular console/controller.

As mentioned previously, Hollow Tree Games took Shape of the World to E3 this year and had a great response from the gaming community.

Shape of the World is a very relaxing game that can be played at your own pace, which could be hard to demo at a convention like E3, but Maxwell said it made for a nice change of pace for gamers. 

Shape of the World is a beautiful-looking game made by a very small team. It gets rave previews by any outlet that gets its hands on it; Destructoid, Polygon, Rock, Paper, Shotgun have all sung its praises. And yet it’s still in need of some funding via Kickstarter. Ahead of the most crucial time in the game’s development, Maxwell said: 

If you like what you see and ever want to own the game on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Oculus Rift, help the team reach its goal!

You can check out the game’s Kickstarter below, the official website here, and follow the team at @shapeoftheworld.