First up is the Crimson Bull, a massive shotgun-style weapon that obliterates anything in front of it. The Crimson Bull also gets a sucker punch upgrade, adding a homing bullet that seeks foes out to deliver an extra fist full of punishment.
The Outlaw is a fast-firing revolver weapon that doesn’t deal as much damage but is handy in tight places when used with melee attacks — and even handier with its Igniter upgrade that adds flames to every round. There’s also the Poppin’ Heads upgrade that, well… pops heads. A lot.
The trusty Sidekicks pistols let you dual-wield your way to victory with add-ons that include paralysis shots. Finally is the Dragontail, a large katana designed for one thing and one thing only: slicing your enemies to pieces.
If you haven’t caught up with the latest Shadow Warrior 3 news, check out the most recent gameplay trailer.