According to the dedicated news fan site, ValveTime, Valve has a full database of all the active projects mentioned in employee emails that have fully devoted project folders. Some of these include hints that projects like Half Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Source 2, and others, might currently be in the works!

Massive leak reveals inner workings of Valve

Apparently, Valve uses a bug-tracking and project management software called Jira to track and manage all the going-ons in the office. The software is meant for the Valve IT guys to make sure systems are running smoothly and hunt down any rogue problem-files.

Some sort of leak occurred and VavleTime was sent a copy of the complete Jira mailing lists and project folders. With this access, they kindly uploaded the list of 791 projects to pastebin here for our viewing pleasure.

Valve seems like an awesome place to work

Most of the projects are pretty standard office fare including and a few comical ones too. Some of my favorite funny mailing lists:

Pinball White Russian Thugz4Life Soup Club Tea Enthusiasts Yo Dawg MTG League Mixed Martial Arts Hackysack Softball Team Shirley Temple RedShirt Pub Trivia WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB_EWEWEWEWEWEWEW_GAGAGAGAGAGA

Half Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, and Source 2 found within Jira

Of course, Valve isn’t all just fun…it is also games! Among this list there are a whole lot of exciting things mentioned. Before reading this next list, please remember these leaks have not been confirmed and are internal discussions. The following, while super exciting, are conversation and not necessarily in development:

Half Life 3 Episode 3 Episode 3 Movie Ravenholm Source 2 Source2 Artists Source2 Builds Source2 Characters Source2 Entities Source2 Minidumps Source2 Proto-games Source2 Tools Source2 Triage Source2_Assertions Source2_Contentassertions Left 4 Dead 3 left4dead3_assertions left4dead3_contentassertions Left4dead3_minidumps

As I mentioned, these are not necessarily in development. These lists represent mailing lists and/or project folders that the Jira software has recorded. There is no way to know what is being discussed within mailing lists or what type of files might lurk inside project folders. We can only hope.