As the name implies, the game centers around an oasis where the player avatar, a chosen Seedling, aims to build a prosperous settlement while searching for their lost brother. Accompanying the protagonist is Isuna, a water spirit who aides in your battles against the evil force known as Chaos. Inspired by Egyptian mythology, Ever Oasis is a colorful game with a “chibi” artstyle, lending to unique characters like the owl-based Noots.

Being the base of operations, the oasis will offer missions and services from the ever-increasing population, while the vast surrounding desert will be host to foraging, puzzles, and dangerous creatures possessed by Chaos. Battles take place in real-time, with parties of up to three comprised of your new friends back at the oasis.

The release date for Ever Oasis is unknown, but in addition to the featured trailer, the game’s Treehouse Live showing (accompanied by Ishii himself) can be found here.

Is Ever Oasis on your radar? Let us know in the comments below!